Charlotte's Web Litter
Oceantide Tollers is excited to announce our most recent litter!
Charlotte, Oceantide's Ilsa of Kasomor WC SGDC ADC
and Chip, CH Kasomor's Chips Ahoy By La BrisaPCD RI are proud parents.
The puppies arrived on July 31 2017. Charlotte was kind and whelped 3 girls and 1 boy between 8:30 and 10:30am!
All pups were between 11 and 14 oz! Huge!
Their pedigree can be found here:
Pictures coming soon!

I was formerly known as Nellie, but I now go by Salish. My registered name is
Oceantide's Salish Mermaid.
I got to stay and live with my Mom Charlotte and Gramma Ruby. OH and Shel and Dan too!

My name is now Crosby. I was Wilbur. My registered name is Oceantide's Crosby of Sidney. I was the only boy out of the litter and am so happy I now have 3 little boys to call my own. I live in Saanichton with Heather, Mark and MY boys and the lovely Colby.

Formerly know as Fern, the first born, I now go by Denver. Registered name is
Oceantide's Orange Crush.
My new family are David and Sarah and they bought me a new house in Port Coquitlam B.C..

They call me Inca! I was Joy. And they loved it so much they included it in my registered name.
Oceantide's Inca Joy.
That is what I do, I bring Joy to everyone in my life. I live in Lethbridge with Ralph, Fran and Natalie.

Here we are all together.
Left to right Inca, Salish, Denver and Crosby.
We are 8 weeks old here and barely fit in the box!
This photo, and the 4 above were taken by
Crosby's new Dad Mark A.
Off to our grand new adventures!
The Flintstones
CH Oceantide's Isla of Kasomor WC JH RN ADC SGDC
Germ. VDH-Ch., DRC-Ch. Annapolis Dream Arras
Charlotte and Arras are Parents!!
Charlotte is a very accomplished and driven girl. Charlotte and I compete in field, obedience, and agility. In July she earned her Canadian Championship handled by Guillermo Fano and Jen Knudsen. She and I also volunteer on the palliative care ward at Surrey Memorial Hospital. Charlotte is a very sweet girl, calm yet spunky when called upon. She was the best mommy ever for her last litter that was born in July 2017.
She has her own page above.
Please check out her pedigree at:
Arras is a lovely diverse boy from Germany. His owner Sophia and I met a couple of years ago when she was in Canada with Arras. He mostly works in field (apart from having some fun time with agility, obedience and rally obedience and has obtained two German Champion titles. His talents as well as his passed competitions speak for themselves and his temperament is truly lovely. A very outgoing male towards humans and dogs. Arras lives in Frankfurt and accompanies Sophia and her other male George through their busy life.
Arras shows a great will to please and has excelled very well being completely owner handled. Sophia was 14years old when Arras and she became a team.
Please check out his pedigree at
Arras and Charlottes combined pedigree
can be found here
We are very excited that the puppies are here!
On December 23 2018, The Flintstones arrived.
They were named in honour of my Mom, Wilma, whose birthday is the same day.
Fred 1 pound 3 oz, Wilma, 10 oz, Barney and Dino each exactly 1 pound arrived between 9am and 12:00pm.
All are doing well including doting Mommy Charlotte.
Daddy Arras was celebrating in
Frankfurt with his owner Sophia.
All pups now have their own families
and are doing awesome in the forever homes.

Wilma 1 week
Dino 1 week

2 Weeks old

3 weeks old

4 weeks old

5 weeks old
Our 6th week